perform a task

美 [pərˈfɔːrm ə tæsk]英 [pəˈfɔːm ə tɑːsk]
  • 执行一项任务
perform a taskperform a task
  1. Maybe they genetically designed it to perform a task .


  2. You can perform a task on a cluster at a much faster rate of speed .


  3. The application was not able to perform a task as expected .


  4. Perform a task , one 's duty , a miracle


  5. A conscientious person has a larger perspective on what it means to perform a task .


  6. Software is the term used to describe the instructions that tell the hardware how to perform a task .


  7. Persevering determination to perform a task .


  8. He who possesses a quiet kind of faith in his ability to perform a task already has the task half completed .


  9. It 's simple to picture : Someone has to do perform a task , but dreads the long , complicated process .


  10. This event is commonly used when you need to perform a task after the user navigates to a different record in the control .


  11. A permission is the right to perform a task , such as download a confidential file or post a rating .


  12. I always feel relaxed when I can trust an employee to perform a task to the same high standards I would expect from myself .


  13. After prior forecasting , we start appointing AGV to perform a task according to the task list and the list of paths .


  14. As the body in a task allowed only a single set of steps to perform a task , the use case allows multiple alternate steps to perform the use case .


  15. You can think of a long-running process as a workflow process ; it may wait for an external event to happen , or call upon one or more people to perform a task .


  16. Just as the work sessions were about to begin , one member of each team was taken from the room and asked to perform a task that had nothing to do with the actual study .


  17. When a command or the bash shell itself initiates ( or spawns ) a new shell sub-process to perform a task , it is known as forking .


  18. Attributes are the specific knowledge structures and processing skills needed to perform a task , an attribute is a description of the declarative knowledge or procedural knowledge needed to perform a task in a specific domain .


  19. She was usually asking me to perform a task and it made her sign-off seem more like a stern order , with a forced note of appreciation , than a genuine expression of gratitude .


  20. The Law of Habit states that the more frequently you perform a task the easier is becomes to perform that task the next time , and consequently , the more difficult it becomes not to perform the task .


  21. Since I 've pointed out that there is almost always an easier way to perform a task , I 'll now show you that there 's a much easier way to replace the top hat image with the rabbit image .


  22. In retrospect , we can see that early researchers made the mistake we now call the " AI fallacy " : they assumed that the only way to perform a task to the standard of a human expert is to replicate the approach of human specialists .


  23. A user not having the correct privileges needed to perform a certain task


  24. The performance of control system determines whether industrial robot can perform a specific task quickly and accurately .


  25. Boredom of workers may stem from continuously having to perform a simple task .


  26. Consensi only come together to perform a specific task .


  27. A program is a list of instructions directing the computer to perform a required task of data processing .


  28. The application programmer can create custom bins packed with elements to perform a specific task .


  29. A usage scenario describes how a persona interacts with a system to perform a specific task .


  30. It consists of ten functional subsystems , each of which is used to perform a specific task in the digital system design .
